Parametric vs non parametric

1 min.

These 2 types of methods distinguish themselves based on their answer to the following question: "Will I use the same amount of memory to store the model trained on $100$ examples than to store a model trained on $10 000$ of them ? " If yes then you are using a parametric model. If not, you are using a non-parametric model.

  • Parametric:
    • :bulb: The memory used to store a model trained on $100$ observations is the same as for a model trained on $10 000$ of them .
    • I.e: The number of parameters is fixed.
    • :white_check_mark: Computationally less expensive to store and predict.
    • :white_check_mark: Less variance.
    • :x: More bias.
    • :x: Makes more assumption on the data to fit less parameters.
    • :school_satchel: Example : K-Means clustering, Linear Regression, Neural Networks:

    Linear Regression

  • Non Parametric:
    • :bulb: I will use less memory to store a model trained on $100$ observation than for a model trained on $10 000$ of them .
    • I.e: The number of parameters is grows with the training set.
    • :white_check_mark: More flexible / general.
    • :white_check_mark: Makes less assumptions.
    • :white_check_mark: Less bias.
    • :x: More variance.
    • :x: Bad if test set is relatively different than train set.
    • :x: Computationally more expensive as it has to store and compute over a higher number of "parameters" (unbounded).
    • :school_satchel: Example : K-Nearest Neighbors clustering, RBF Regression, Gaussian Processes:

    RBF Regression

:wrench: Practical : Start with a parametric model. It's often worth trying a non-parametric model if: you are doing clustering, or the training data is not too big but the problem is very hard.

:mag: Side Note : Strictly speaking any non-parametric model could be seen as a infinite-parametric model. So if you want to be picky: next time you hear a colleague talking about non-parametric models, tell him it's in fact parametric. I decline any liability for the consequence on your relationship with him/her :sweat_smile: .

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1 min.